Obs & Gyne
About Dr. Sanober Faisal.
I observed laparoscopic procedures including pre-operative counseling and post operative care.
I am confident in performing forceps delivery, polypectomies, assisted breech deliveries,
evacuation and curettage, bilateral tubal ligation, caesarean section, cervical cerclage, B-lynch
suture, marsupialisation, insertion of IUCD and mirena, laparotomies for ectopic pregnancy,
ovarian cyst and total abdominal hysterectomy.
During my job i had worked after gynaecology & Obstetrics wards, Gynaecology out
patients, antenatal clinics my job. I attended three consultants ward round and three clinic per week.
The on call was 1:4 initially as a registrar for one year and later on 1:5 as a registrar. on call
duties included responsibilities for labour ward, carly pregnancy emergencies and referrals from
other specialties. The duties were busy between 30 to 50 patients admitted each day.